Dr. Lianne Jones is an assistant professor of elementary education in the Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum. She received my Ph.D. in Curriculum & Teaching with an emphasis in mathematics education in 2024 from Baylor University.
As a teacher educator and scholar, her work centers on mentoring and preparing pre-service teachers to be reflective, agentive, and adaptive in their practices. She believes in the full development of students through building relationships so that they excel inside the classroom and beyond. Her research interests center on mathematics teacher preparation, the use and development of purposeful questioning practices, mentorship and instructional coaching, and educational partnerships.
Selected Publications
- Jones, L, & Magill, K. (2023). A critical examination of the relationship between social and personal constructions of gender and race and their impact on mathematical identity. Investigations in Mathematics Learning, 15(4), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/19477503.2023.2254152
- Jones, L., Rogers, R., Rogers, D., Painter, L., & McClinton, A. (2023). Antifragile teachers: Developing and supporting risk taking teachers. NAPDS School-University Partnerships, 16(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1108/SUP-04-2023-0018
- Jones, L. (2023). Using models to support understanding in mathematics pre-service teachers. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education in Texas, 13(1), 10-12.
Click here for Dr. Jones's CV.

Title: Assistant Professor, Elementary Education
Department: Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-7403