Dr. Wendy Lewis is a lecturer for the Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum.
She received her Bachelor of Science in elementary education from Western Carolina University, her Master of Arts in mathematics education from East Carolina University, and her Ph.D. in curriculum and instruction from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
After graduating from Western Carolina as a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, Lewis began her career at Viemont Elementary School in Hickory. During her graduate work, she found passion in pedagogy and teaching math. She taught fourth and sixth grade in Mooresville for six years before leaving the classroom to pursue her doctorate. While pursuing her Ph.D., she entered the world of instructional coaching for Rowan Salisbury schools and Iredell Statesville schools and adjunct taught at UNCC.
Her research interests include working with elementary teacher candidates to increase their self efficacy, how student interactions with mathematically challenging tasks impact their mathematical identity , how teachers self efficacy is impacted by utilizing math tasks, and how students mathematical identities are ever changing in classrooms where instruction is humanized.

Title: Lecturer, Elementary Education
Department: Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum
Email address: Email me