Dr. Christina Tschida is a professor in the Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum at Appalachian State University.
She works to improve teacher education through critical and justice-oriented pedagogies in social studies education, high quality online instruction, and clinical practice reform through use of co-teaching models of internship/student teaching and coaching.Her work has been published in such journals as Social Studies Research and Practice, Social Studies and the Young Learner, The Rural Educator, the Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, and the Journal of Children’s Literature.
Her research areas include:
- critical, equity-centered pedagogies in teacher education and elementary social studies education;
- innovations in teacher education through a co-teaching model of clinical practice; and
- use of video capture and annotation technology with teacher candidates to improve reflection, coaching, and feedback in clinical practice.
She serves as the current President for the National Association for Co-Teaching, served as chair of the conference planning committee for several years, and am on the editorial board for Social Studies and the Young Learner a journal of the National Association for the Social Studies.
She was a founding member of Co-Teaching TAG of AACTE, as well as a founding member of the National Association for Co-Teaching, and involved in annual conference planning for NACT.
Selected Publications
Edited Books: (Re)Imaginging Elementary Social Studies: A Controversial Issues Reader (2017) and Co-Teaching in Teacher Education: Centering Equity (forthcoming winter 2023)
Guest Editor: Fall 2019 special issue of Theory & Practice in Rural Education focused on innovative and encouraging research and application of co-teaching in rural settings.

Title: Professor, Elementary Education
Department: Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8251
Office address
233 ACollege of Education Building